Thursday, April 18, 2024

CCP has been Corrupting GREAT AMERICA – MAGA !

(1-Page-TRUTHS; Rev. 4/18/2024 replaces 4/17/2024; Updating )

I’m an 80-year-old man, USA Citizen* naturalized on 9/6/2000retired from Software Localization, live alone in the USA. My career never involved State secrets or financial affairs. My FICO® Credit Score was 843* out of 850. I never had a crime*.

However, I’m a Dissident, know "too many" Truths of the matters, so being bloodlessly or "not illegally", murdered with State powers by the CCP**. From 2005, so far, everyday CCSF (CCP Consulate in SF) "Consuls" i.e. MSS**’ Spies have been following up, plotting, & hacking in my routers/phones/computers/accounts to blockade me. But, they’ve wholly misjudged, so must fail to entrap me anywhere, even in China, 2015; had to GIVE UP rarely, and pretended to "Reconcile" with me via informers (Mrs. Zhen in Mountain View and her friend Ms. Youwen Li at Monte Vista Terrace Apartment)*.


The CCP has been Fooling & Absorbing Americans: Lobbing, Grandstanding, Brainwashing, Doing Deals, Bribing, Coercing or Manipulating the DS**, JLG**, relevant Officials, Authorities, NGOs, Public Service Providers & Communities; Recruiting pro-CCP Secret Agents, Directly Organizing & Controlling an Underground United Front to try to Exercise Leadership in Everything. As the HOLDER of the 2nd Biggest Economy, the CCP & its money are "MOST WELCOME". The CCP is so Active/Aggressive, forming sharp contrast with inaction, double agents/standards,  appeasement and/or weaponization of certain authorities – Reversed Host/Guest Sovereignty.


The CCSF has further molested me after I publicly criticized Xi Jinping**, to block my ways out. It has gossiped for character assassination to sow dissension between me and everyone involved slightly to isolate me to divert public attention from Spies & Traitors; abetted feigned Christians, such as a Habitual Thief JSR (James S. Rubens)*, to Break Faith to Mean Mischief; wrote/directed plays to create illusions to smear me; bought my EVERY landlord, snuck in my bedroom, & picked my own locks to trouble me to attempt to No-Fault Evict me; COERCED JSR, VJE (Vernon J. Elliott)* & more with tattoos to harass me every day; instigated EVERY lessor I contacted to prevent me from renting a room; I paid to stay in an Inn, then AN INVISIBLE CCSF SPY did in upstairs with me, made noises to awaken me every night, also has shadowed me to illegally move in Apt 611, & secretly HOLDEN a KEY #613 coerced from the responsibles, snuck in my Apt 613 to commit crimes as soon as I left, TO CREATE A PERILOUS PRECEDENT to tear up THE SPIRIT OF CONTRACT, and hidden videos in the alarms, conspiracies of silence, I openly emailed to warn Responsibles, but immediately received their transparent lies, naked threats, and THE ANONYMOUS SPY IS DOING MORE ... ; …


Unknown CCP HUMAN RIGHTS Records, including but not limited to, its Spy/Murdermonger Teams of the State Violence Apparatus, were disguised as diplomats to Interfere in our Society to Repress Dissidents with extraterritoriality consular jurisdiction unlawfully & immunity, in host country to attempt to compel me to commit suicide for concealing Truths.


Is it suspected Unheard-of Newsworthy of the Systematic/Typical Transnational Repression, Organized Hate Crimes and/or Treason? I’ve collected & backed up a lot of information and evidence about suspects, e.g. JSR & VJE, as CCP MSS’ VIP Agents unregistered on the FARA**, 7/11-23/2022, Free China Tours, and more, am expecting independent investigation.


The CCP is Exporting Corruptions, Evils, Tyrannies & Terrors with the Unrestricted Warfare via Secret Agents!

The CCP is Corrupting the GREAT AMERICA into 2nd China and the Fountainheads of the next Pandemic and more!

End the CCP ROGUE Regime Enforcing CCP’s "Laws" with Discretionary Powers to America Citizens in America!


A Temporary or Countdown Survivor under Transnational Repression: Jizhi Pan

PS: The CCSF removed my Testimony-emails of 12/18, 11/1, Mar-Apr, 2023, & locked my account on 4/18/2023; also had been blocking my PO Box 101, Mountain View, CA 94042-0101 in Jun-Jul, 2017, & stole my mails.

* Please refer to my Real Full Name Blogs (Abridgments) for more info & proofs at

** CCP: Chinese Communist Party; Xi Jinping: CCP’s Godfather #1; MSS: Ministry of State Security, China; DS: Deep State; FARA: Foreign Agents Registration Act; JLG: U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation.

The JLG was established on 5/18-19/1998. The 14th plenary session of the JLG was held in Beijing on 11/21-22/2016. ...

Partners + Rivals + Interests + Acquaintances = Double Agents + Hybrid Sequelae! Google or ChatGPT them!

*** House China Select Committee Chairman Mike Gallagher hosted a press event in NYC on 2/25/2023, … He continued, "They buy our politicians, multinational organizations, companies and in some cases, law enforcement."

 JLG: U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation 执法合作联合联络小组

The JLG was established on 5/18-19/1998. The 14th plenary session of the JLG was held in Beijing on 11/21-22/2016. 

Partners + Rivals + Acquaintances + Stakeholders = Double Agents + Hybrid Sequelae! Google or ChatGPT them, please.

My Credit Score was 843 (850 - 7)
Clearance Letter from Police

My 10-Year Multiple-Entry Visa (Q2) to China approved & issued by the CCP Consulate-General in SF, and Beijing Customs Entry- / Exit-Date Stamps in 2015


We’re not bystanders, but survivors,” goes a popular social media quip. “We’re not rescuing the chained woman. Instead, she’s rescuing us.”

New York Times: Seeking Truth and Justice, Chinese See Themselves in a Chained Woman 

 by Li Yuan 3/1/2022


Friday, March 15, 2024



1.      The United States Must Go to War Against China’s Spies by Michael Cunningham                           11/27/2022

First, federal agencies need more training, resources, and coordination to confront Chinese espionage. Currently, a disproportionately large number of Chinese espionage cases are reported in the Eastern District of New York. This is unsettling given that Washington, D.C., and technology hubs like San Francisco (Bay Area) are likely bigger Chinese espionage targets, but cases are rarely reported there.

2.      Partners + Rivals + Interests + Acquaintances = Double Agents + Hybrid Sequelae! Google or ChatGPT them!

3.      Remarks by Former VP Pence on the Administration’s Policy Toward China                                  10/4/2018  … The Chinese Communist Party is rewarding or coercing American businesses, movie studios, universities, think tanks, scholars, journalists, and local, state, and federal officials. And worst of all, China has initiated an unprecedented effort to influence American public opinion, the 2018 elections, … It’s also great to see more journalists reporting the truth without fear or favor, digging deep to find where China is interfering in our society, and why. And we hope that American and global news organizations will continue to join this effort on an increasing basis. ...

4.   The Wall Street Journal: China’s New Tool to Chase Down Fugitives: American Courts                7/29/2020 Beijing is turning to lawsuits to pressure expatriates to return home and face corruption charges; ‘an end-run around U.S. law’!

5.    GOP congressman warns of Chinese 'police stations' in US:'How have we allowed this to happen?'          2/25/2023

Fox News:

House China Select Committee Chairman Mike Gallagher hosted a press event, He continued, "They buy our politicians, multinational organizations, companies & in some cases, law enforcement. They use muscle and threats instead of persuasion. And like the Mafia, they aren't afraid to make people disappear."

6.      JLG: the U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation                         On 5/18-19/1998        the JLG was established. The 14th plenary session of the JLG was held in Beijing on 11/21-22/2016.

7.      Close All China Consulates, Slash Embassy Staff by Gordon G. Chang                                            11/9/2022

8.    China Is Weaponizing Chinese Worldwide to Support the CCP by Gordon G. Chang                        8/23/2022

Operation Fox Hunt: How China Exports Repression Using a Network of Spies Hidden in Plain Sight  7/22/2021 China sends covert teams abroad to bring back people accused — justifiably or not — of financial crimes. One New Jersey family was stalked as part of a global campaign that takes families hostage and pressures immigrants to serve as spies.

Eight Individuals Charged with Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of PRC                 10/28/2022 PRC Officials Directed Multi-Year Campaign of Harassment and Stalking; Directed at U.S. Residents to Force Their Return to PRC

Nine Individuals Charged in Superseding Indictment with Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of PRC           7/22/2021 PRC Prosecutor Allegedly Traveled to the United States, Directed Stalking of U.S. Residents, and Obstructed Criminal Investigation

Remarks by Former VP Pence at the Frederic V. Malek Memorial Lecture                                      10/24/2019 , the Chinese Communist Party is also continuing to reward and coerce American …

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Complain Kazuko Kuramoto was Suspected of Working for CCP Witch-Hunting in USA

 I’m complaining my former case manager KK (Kazuko Kuramoto), MSW, the New Directions Program, Peninsula HealthCare Connection, Inc., Also I’m a dissident is being murdered by the CCP, please refer to the attached another 1-page-file CCPinUSA.pdf which is an Open Letter about Me.

During the 1st appointment at 10AM on 6/15/2022, KK seemed to be acting playing monodrama, as a "victim of attack", overdid, to create false impressions to try to smear me, although I didn’t know where her Director and Cameraman hid. Also she took out 4 forms of AREI (Authorization for Release and Exchange of Information) for me to sign. I wrote "I retired from Software Localization" in my Open Letter, and said I quitted & retired from a company in 2013 before. KK was so interested the names of that company & city, which are IRRELEVANT with KK’s jobs, BUT kept asking me constantly. I was sure that the CCSF (CCP Consulate in SF) was so interested in it too, and has sought it via CCP’s informants from 2015. The CCSF was ALWAYS trying to search "scandals" about me for character assassination. Finally, I found out emails to urge me to stay in 2013 from SimulTrans in Mountain View,, and forwarded to KK at 9:56AM on 6/27/2022, the first day she was back to work. At the same time, I wrote KK: "Last meeting, on 6/15/2022, you seemed concerned for your personal safety. RIGHT? IF YES, ME TOO, and may I’ve a MALE case manager, please? It will be safer for you and me, I think. Thank you so much in advance. …"

KK emailed me to make 2nd appointment of 2PM 8/9/2022, she wrote "time and place" ONLY, NOTHING about WHAT. She didn’t provide an online interpreter purposefully, different from 1st one on 6/15/2022. She directly asked for my Clipper Card when she came, and wrote down my Card #. Why? Whom for? In the email of 4:16PM 6/17/2022, KK wrote that Customer Services of refused her call for me! She talked so quickly & much, I didn’t know what she was talking about. I can’t speak for myself. Also she took out 4 AREI forms for me to sign AGAIN, but never provided a copy I signed to me, though she promised by email at 10:56AM 6/17/2022. KK wrote contact info of SVILC (Silicon Valley Independent Living Center) & near CSA to me. Then she ended the 2nd appointment to close my case soon at 3:09PM.

The 2nd appointment seemed like a raid, and I had no idea. I’m too old and slow to respond, no interpreter, so far, I don’t know what KK was doing and why did it so. Did she come to say bye? Since KK came to close my case, WHY was she still asking me to sign 4 AREI forms to collect/exchange my personal info AGAIN? I "snatched" the last one only. However she hurriedly received the first 3 forms in her bag.

I never saw this kind of service style and/or jobs. IT’S TOO ABNORMAL AND UNUSUAL!

Whom ELSE was KK working for? The CCSF? Please see my open letter, the attached CCPinUSA.pdf.

KK asked me if I doubted her in the 1st appointment. There are TOO much doubt! I do believe that she was recruited as a pro-CCP Double Agent by the CCSF, but she didn’t register on the FARA in the DOJ yet!

Jizhi Pan